Why Is My Bladder Leaking?
Certain medications are known to cause a leaking bladder. These medications include muscle relaxants, heart medications, blood pressure drugs and sedatives.
Beverages can cause incontinence by acting as a bladder stimulant and diuretic; these beverages are carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee. Certain foods can aggravate the bladder; these include tomato, citrus and foods containing artificial sweeteners and corn syrup.
Urinary tract Infections (UTIs) are known causes of bladder irritation. UTIs cause strong urges to urinate and incontinence.
The bladder and the rectum share the same nerves. As a result, constipation causes the nerves to be overactive, causing urinary frequency and incontinence.
While causes of a leaking bladder may be temporary, some may be the result of persistent underlying physical problems. These include neurological disorders, prostate cancer or enlarged prostate, bladder cancer or stones, interstitial cystitis, a hysterectomy, pregnancy and childbirth, and changes that come with aging.