Signs & Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder
According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most distinguishing characteristics of overactive bladder is increased urgency in the need to urinate. For many people, this is the first indication they are having bladder problems, and they may be confused by their need to urinate over and over, even when they have just recently already gone to the bathroom. The feeling of urgency is caused by the muscle spasms in the bladder muscles, which normally make a person aware of the need to urinate.
Another common symptom of overactive bladder is increased frequency in the need to urinate, according to the Mayo Clinic. Increased frequency occurs because the muscles of the bladder are contracting more often, resulting in the feeling that the bladder needs to be emptied. However, the amount of urine may be small or may even be nonexistent with frequent urination. Abnormal frequency is considered needing to urinate more than eight times per day.
Nighttime Urination
Nighttime urination may also increase as part of overactive bladder, according to the Mayo Clinic. Abnormal rates of night-time urination are more than twice per night. It is not at all unusual for a person with overactive bladder to get up five to eight times per night to urinate. This symptom is in conjunction with day-time increased frequency to urinate, over more than eight times per day.
Another common and often embarrassing symptom of overactive bladder is incontinence, according to Shiel. Episodes of incontinence may occur when it is not possible to reach a toilet in time to urinate or even when a person begins to simply think about urinating. Incontinence is an involuntary physical response to the need to urinate and is often followed by the need to urinate again.