Definition of Bladder Spasms
Bladder Spasms
A bladder spasm occurs when the muscle of the bladder suddenly squeezes. Sometimes urine is forced from the bladder, causing leaking. This is referred to as overactive bladder.
Those Affected
Those more likely to have bladder spasms include the elderly, those who are going through menopause or are pregnant, and women who have recently given birth. Also, those with urinary tract infection, abdominal surgery or nerve or bladder damage may be more likely to have bladder spasms.
Causes of bladder spasms can vary from infection or recent surgery to a problem with the nervous system, like a brain tumor or stroke. Bladder spasms can also be due to medication side effects or diet.
Treatment for bladder spasms depends on the cause. It may be something as simple as a change in diet, or timing trips to the bathroom. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) or medications to relax the bladder are also options.
You should consult your doctor if you're concerned you may have bladder spasms. Also see your doctor if you experience pain or cramping in the pelvic area or while urinating or have an urgent or frequent need to use the bathroom.