Catheter Related Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enters your urinary tract. Symptoms include discolored urine, painful urination and the urge to urinate frequently.
A catheter is a tube that can be inserted into your urethra and bladder. It is used to drain urine from your bladder when you are not able to urinate normally. Having a catheter increases the chance bacteria will enter your urinary tract and cause an infection.
Catheter related urinary tract infections can be prevented by leaving the catheter in place for as little time as possible and taking care to keep the catheter clean.
Treatment for a urinary tract infection that is catheter related begins with a course of antibiotics.
Catheter related urinary tract infections can reoccur. Your doctor could prescribe a low dose antibiotic at a daily dose to help prevent this.