How to Treat a Man With a UTI With Liver Problems
How to Treat a Man With a UTI With Liver Problems
Urge the man to see a physician. Encourage the man to tell his doctor about his liver problems to ensure that the prescribed antibiotic will not further harm his liver.
Suggest that the man take over-the-counter pain medication to ease his painful urination. Tell the man not to take acetaminophen because it is hard on the liver and is not suitable for someone with liver problems. Ibuprofen is a better choice because it does not strain the liver.
Encourage the man to drink at least 8 ounces of water during every waking hour. The water is necessary to keep the urinary system functioning properly and to flush out the infection.
Suggest that the man drink cranberry juice. Ensure that the man knows to look for 100 percent cranberry juice and not cranberry juice cocktail. If 100 percent cranberry juice is not available, cranberry capsules can be substituted. Cranberry juice produces hippuric acid which acidifies the urine, making it difficult for bacteria to adhere to the walls of the bladder.
Encourage the man to urinate frequently. This will help to flush the bacteria out of the bladder. Remind the man to keep his genital area clean and dry, especially after urination.