Squats & Crunches to Help Incontinence
"Sit in a Chair" Squats
Squats use the muscles in the hips and lower pelvic area. To begin, lower your rear end down to "sit" in a chair. Stop about one inch over the chair. Hold yourself by squeezing the muscles around the anus as though you were stopping yourself from moving your bowels. From this position, lift yourself back up to standing. If balance is difficult, lightly place your hands on the arms of the chair, however keep your focus on the pelvic muscles and do not use your arms or legs. Keep your chest and head lifted.
Start with 10 to 15 repetitions of these squats, rest, then do another set of 10 to 15 squats. As you become stronger, you can do them without the chair and allow yourself to "sit" deeper.
Pelvic Crunches
"Crunches" for incontinence are repeated contractions of the muscles in the pelvic floor. For women, it will feel like squeezing the vagina. For men, the testicles might lift slightly. For both, it should feel like stopping a stream of urine.
To get started, stand with your feet shoulder distance apart. Relax your knees. If you need help with balance, lightly place your hand on a chair or table. Squeeze your pelvic floor. Focus on the area around where you urinate, not your belly or thighs. Squeeze as tightly as you can, then release. Repeat 10 to 15 times for one set. Rest for five minutes. Then do another set of 10 to 15 repetitions. Work your way up to sets of 50 to 80 repetitions.
Bridges combine both of these pelvic squeezes into one exercise. Lie on your back with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees up. Relax your head and shoulders. Squeeze the muscles around the anus and bladder openings as hard as you can. Your rear end should lift off the floor and make a "bridge." Hold for one second and relax back down to the ground---that is one repetition. You do not need to lift your rear end high, just make sure the squeeze is focused on the pelvic areas. Do not use your legs or arms to lift. Do 12 to 15 repetitions, rest, then do another set of repetitions.