How to Shrink the Bladder
Things You'll Need
- 3 servings of fruit per day
- 1 serving of nuts per day
- Vegetable juice
- Fruit juice
- 8 glasses of water per day
- Zinc
- Vitamin D
- Saw palmetto
Start a diet that is fat free and low in fiber content. Consume three servings of fruit and one serving of nuts on a daily basis. Avoid or reduce the intake of dairy and meat products on a regular basis, as this leads to the enlargement of bladder. Consume a diet high in vegetable content since it helps the shrinking of the bladder. Soy lowers fat, which reduces the major component for the cause of enlarged bladder.
Exclude caffeine and alcohol from your diet. Drink fluids such as fruit and vegetable juice and most importantly, at least eight glasses of water a day.
Increase nutrient and mineral content. The deficiency of zinc in the body can lead to the enlargement of the bladder. So, increase your intake of zinc and also vitamin D, as it aids in the promotion of calcium rise in the and prevents the occurrence of cancer.
Avoid stress since it combines with pressure to cause the decrease in zinc and the prostate level. Sleeping at least eight hours a night may help reduce stress.
Consider natural remedies. Consuming saw palmetto, an extraction from a berry, can aid in the shrinking of bladder. Saw palmetto is available in a supplement.
Avoid drinking fluids prior to bedtime to reduce the the urge to urinate quite frequently throughout the night.
Avoid the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, especially ones that treat allergies. Such medications, often called decongestants, increase pressure on the bladder muscles and cause difficulty in urination.
Try surgery. When all the above steps don't aid in the shrinking of your bladder, you can try TURP surgery. This medical procedure involved a partial removal of your prostate.