How to Cleanse the Body of Interstitial Cystitis
Things You'll Need
- Cranberry juice
- Aloe Vera juice
Make dietary changes to relieve discomfort of interstitial cystitis. There is no scientific evidence that pinpoints diet as a trigger for IC, but there are some foods that may exacerbate bladder irritation. These foods include citrus products, caffeine, carbonated beverages and any food or drink that is high in Vitamin C. Tomatoes, spices, artificial sweeteners and alcoholic beverages may also contribute to bladder discomfort. Remove these foods and beverages from your diet for relief.
Drink cranberry juice; it treats an existing UTI and prevents them as well as infections of the bladder and kidneys. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Rutgers University found that consumption of cranberry juice offers protection against antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the urinary tract. It encourages the flushing of detrimental bacteria in the bladder into the urine stream.
Train your bladder on a regular schedule to help relieve IC symptoms. Set yourself on a schedule that involves timed urination, not using the bathroom when you feel the urge. Begin with 30-minute intervals using the bathroom regardless of whether you have to or not. Then work up to longer intervals like 1 to 2 hours. This practice trains you to control the urge to use the bathroom.
Use the prescription medicine dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a method of treatment. Your doctor will install DMSO into the bladder using a catheter insterted into the urethra. The solution will sit for about 15 minutes, then flushed out of the body through urination. DMSO reduces inflammation and prevents muscle contractions--a source of bladder pain and urgency to urinate. Frequency of treatment averages once weekly for six to eight weeks, then maintenance treatments as needed for up to one year. Consult with a physician regarding the best treatment plan for you.