Natural Remedy for Male UTI
Baking Soda and Cranberry Juice
Make a mixture of half a tsp. of baking soda and 8 oz. of water. Drink this every four hours daily for about three days to lessen the effects of male UTI. The baking soda brings under control the acid-base balance of male urine, thereby reducing the bacterial infection.
Another home remedy for curing male UTI involves cranberry juice. Drink a glass of cranberry juice, maybe mixed with apple juice for enhanced taste, twice a day for at least a couple of days. The juice forces the infecting bacteria to stop sticking to the walls of the male urinary tract. This is an immensely beneficial step in fighting UTI.
Parsley, Dandelion and Goldenrod
Take 100 g of parsley leaves and boil with half a liter of water. Drink this concoction thrice a day for no less than three days for relief from male UTI. Alternatively, take a handful of parsley leaves and chew every two hours during the day for a few days to reduce urinary infection.
Two other herbal cures for male UTI involve dandelions and goldenrod, both with effective diuretic qualities that make them ideal for treatment of male UTI. While dandelion's rich source of potassium helps reduce any kind of infection, goldenrod helps treat severe urinary problems like nephritis apart from effectively curing male UTI.
Natural Dietary Remedies
When you are suffering from UTI, make it a point to increase your consumption of Vitamin C foods like citrus fruit juices. The acidic contents of the bladder prevent growth and further infection of bacteria in the urinary tract. Have mineral-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, milk and fruits. Make sure to stay away from processed foods such as chocolates, cheeses and other dairy products. Abstinence from soda or alcohol drinks and spicy foods also help cure male UTI.
Other Remedies
Rub a mixture of equal quantities of essential oils of sandalwood, tea tree, bergamot, juniper and frankincense gently but firmly over the bladder area every night for about a week to get relief from male UTI. You can also treat the pain due to UTI with a hot compress. Make sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing at all times.