How to Solve Leaking after Urination

Leaking after urination is typically caused by incontinence, which is a loss of bladder control. Figuring out how to solve leaking after urination starts with a more specific diagnosis of the type of incontinence. Treatments can include a variety of options from diet changes and pelvic exercises to medication or surgery.

Things You'll Need

  • Urologist
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      Seek a diagnosis from a urologist to specify the type of incontinence. The basic types include:
      • Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the result of weakened pelvic floor muscles combined with urethral sphincter problems. SUI causes leakage whenever body movements, such as sneezing and laughing, put pressure on your bladder.
      • Urgency urinary incontinence and overactive bladder occurs when nerves are damaged. These types cause a sudden, urgent need to urinate.
      • Mixed incontinence includes some of the symptoms of both urgency and stress incontinence.
      • Overflow incontinence, also known as chronic retention of urine, causes you to leak because too much urine is produced and the amount exceeds what your bladder can hold at any given time.

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      Understand that although the types of urinary incontinence are similar for men and women, treatments will differ. But they will all be focused on either behavioral, medication, or surgical therapies.

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      Try behavioral therapy techniques to reduce incontinence. Also known as bladder control training, these approaches include scheduled toileting, pelvic muscle exercises (Kegel exercises), biofeedback, and lifestyle changes. Biofeedback is a painless therapy in which electrical sensors are used to help you become more aware of your bodily functions and regain bladder control.

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      Seek advice from your doctor about medication if behavioral techniques don't work. A variety of drugs, both oral and topical, are available via prescription that may relieve your urine leaking symptoms. Some are designed to help you empty more completely when you urinate, while others help tighten pelvic muscles to reduce leakage. The prescription will depend on the type of incontinence you have.

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      If all else fails, surgery may be the next step. Depending on the type of incontinence, it may cure the condition or at the very least provide improvement, particularly if the leakage is a result of a changed bladder position from childbirth or a blockage resulting from an enlarged prostate. Common surgeries for incontinence can include bladder neck suspension, sling procedures, collagen injections around your urethra, artificial sphincter implants, and sacral nerve stimulators.

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