How to Treat Prostate Problems
Drink eight ounces of black or green tea at least once a day for a boost in antioxidants. Eat a diet rich in selenium from fish, oats, liver or Brazil nuts to lessen prostate cancer risk and reduce inflammation. Take supplements of flax seed or fish oil, sources of omega-3 fatty acids, or an extract of the saw palmetto shrub's berries to keep the prostate healthy and control BPH.
Change the diet to include less caffeine, butter or margarine and alcohol and consume greater amounts of fruit and soy to help reduce prostate enlargement.
Practice Kegel exercises to build up the pelvic muscles that support the bladder and prostate to reduce BPH symptoms. Contract the muscle as if stopping the flow of urine. Hold the contraction for 15 or 20 seconds and release. Do this several times a day.
Take medication such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatories to reduce symptoms of prostatitis. Prescription medications like Avodart can reduce the hormone that regulates the growth of the prostate