Bladder Spasm Symptoms

Bladder spasms are a condition that results in the uncontrollable urge to urinate. The urge comes on suddenly and, for the individual suffering from bladder spasms, it is often an embarrassing situation, as wetting accidents often occur. There are many causes of bladder spasms, including underlying illness, and they can occur at any age. If you are experiencing bladder spasms, you should schedule a visit with your physician immediately. The condition is uncomfortable, but many treatments are available.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms include an urgent need to urinate, leakage and cramping pain.

    Risk Factors

    • Bladder spasms can occur at any age. However, they are more likely to occur in the elderly, women going through menopause and women who have recently given birth, and in those who have a urinary tract infection, who have had lower abdominal or pelvic surgery or who have bladder or nerve damage caused by disease or injury.


    • Causes include diet, medication, urinary tract infection, recent surgery and changes in the blood supply and nerves controlling the bladder.


    • Treatments include bladder training, medication, electrical stimulation, pelvic floor exercises and surgery. Generally, surgery is not helpful in controlling bladder spasms.

    Underlying Symptoms

    • Bladder spasms may also be a result of an underlying condition, such as infection, intestinal cystitis or droopy bladder syndrome.

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