Home Remedies for UTI & Kidney Infection Symptoms
The most important tip to remember is to drink plenty of water. This will cause you to urinate more frequently, which will help the body pass the bacteria that can cause infection.
Baking Soda
Baking soda aids in neutralization of the acids present in urine; therefore, they can provide much-needed relief from the burning sensation that often accompanies kidney and urinary tract infections. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and mix well. Drink this once a day to relieve burning.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is rich in both vitamin C and Quinolic acid, which keep bacteria from sitting on bladder walls and prevent infection from occurring. Drink a glass of cranberry juice three times a day to alleviate burning and flush out bacteria.
Apply heat to the bladder, back, or kidney region to reduce pressure and pain with a heating pad. Hold heating pad over back, kidney, or abdominal region to spread warmth through the area.
Try a little aromatherapy to soothe the pain. Take equal amounts sandal wood essential oil, juniper oil, tea tree oil, bergamot oil, and frankincense oil. Mix them together, applying this mixture of essential oils over the bladder area on skin by gently massaging it in.
Tips and Warnings
You should always seek medical advice when you feel you have a kidney or urinary tract infection, especially if you're running a fever. These conditions can become quite serious quickly and can lead to kidney failure if not properly treated. Antibiotics are most commonly prescribed to kill the bacteria causing the infection. However, if your symptoms are mild---or you don't want to pay for costly prescription pain killers---try some of the natural remedies described above to alleviate the symptoms.
Avoid citrus juices, coffee, alcohol, soda, and other caffeinated drinks until the infection has cleared. These products can further aggravate infection.
Avoid smoking, as this can also irritate the bladder.