About Infection of Female Urinary Routes
According to the Mayo Clinic, patients with urinary tract infections may experience frequent persistent urges to urinate and a burning feeling during urination, and may pass smaller amounts of urine. Urine may become bloody, cloudy and strong-smelling.
Many female urinary tract infections occur when bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract exits the anus, enters the urethra and travels up the urinary tract. E. coli bacteria is a major cause of infections of the bladder.
Risk Factors
Sexual activity can irritate a woman's urethra and increase the likelihood that she will get a urinary tract infection.
Untreated urinary tract infections can result in serious infections of the kidneys that may cause permanent damage to these organs. A pregnant woman with a urinary tract infection has a greater risk of giving birth prematurely or having a baby with a low birth weight.
Women with urinary tract infections who are otherwise healthy may be prescribed antibiotic treatment for a few days. Recurrent infections of the urinary tract may require longer periods of antibiotic treatment.