How to Treat Gallstones Naturally with Herbal Home Remedies

The gall bladder receives toxins from the liver in a form called bile and holds them until they are ready to be excreted. A gallstone, medically referred to as a cholelith, is a crystalline pebble-like body that is formed by accumulated deposits of bile components. The gall bladder can develop many small stones or a single large one. The size of the stones varies greatly and can be as tiny as a grain of sand or even as large as a golf ball. There are some home remedies and herbs that can be used to prevent and treat gallstones. Read on to learn how to treat gallstones naturally with home remedies


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      Eat foods that contain pectin such as apples and citrus to prevent gallstones. In the event that a stone is present, it is advised to drink apple juice for two days. On the second night take a mixture of three ounces of dark olive oil and three ounces of fresh squeezed lemon. On the third day you should be able to pass the stone.

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      Use antilithic herbs in your home remedies too prevent and treat gallstones. These are herbs that help to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary system, as well as in the body's removal of those that have formed. Antilithic herbs include parsley, bearberry, gravel root, buchu and corn silk.

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      Take hydrangea herbal supplements. Hydrangea was used by Native Americans as well as the early settlers to treat gallstones and kidney stones. Its use to treat these painful stones continued into the nineteenth century. Now there is renewed interest in the power of hydrangea to prevent and eliminate gallstones.

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      Maintain a Healthy Weight. Clinical investigations have shown that persons who are even moderately overweight increase their chances of developing gallstones.

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      Follow a largely vegetarian diet to avoid gall stones, or after treatment for gall stones. Sugar, pastry, starchy and fatty foods should be eliminated. Fruits, green vegetables, and skimmed milk should comprise the main diet. Lean meat and fish can be consumed in moderation.

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