Increased Frequency of Urination Is Defined as What?
Needing to urinate more often than you usually do can be a sign of frequent urination. Having to urinate suddenly along with a strong urge to release your bladder's contents can be a sign of urgent urination.
Nocturia is when you have to urinate frequently at night. This condition commonly affects older men.
An increased need to urinate can also be caused by a urinary tract infection. Inflammation of the urinary organs can decrease the bladder's capacity to hold urine, which results in an increased need to urinate.
Polyuria is an increase in the volume of urine you release each day. Adults normally let out less than 2.5 liters of urine daily; any amount over that is considered excessive and can cause you to have to urinate more frequently.
Other causes of an increased need to urinate include: pregnancy, prostatitis, diuretic medications, drinking too much before bed, consuming large amounts of caffeine or alcohol drinks, sickle cell anemia, kidney failure or, if you're a diabetic, too much glucose or salt in your diet.