How to Ease the UTI Urgency to Urninate
Things You'll Need
- Bottled water
- Cranberry juice
- Heating pad
How to Ease the UTI Urgency to Urinate
Drink at least 100 ounces of bottled water every day. Bottled water is safer to drink than tap water and is not filled with chlorine which can irritate the urinary tract. Keep track of how much water you are drinking. If you drink 100 ounces every day while suffering with an UTI, you can help to alleviate the urgency to urinate.
Drink several glasses of cranberry juice every day. Cranberry juice has been shown to relieve symptoms of an UTI. It has also been shown to expedite recovery time by a couple of days.
Place a heating pad over your lower abdomen directly above your pubic bone. The heat will help to soothe the bladder which significantly decrease the urgency to urinate with an UTI.
After urinating, females should wipe front to back to prevent additional bacterial irritants from entering the urinary tract. Males should make sure the penis is completely dry after urinating. Additionally, always urinate as soon as waking up in the morning and after sex.
Several foods irritate the urinary tract and should be avoided while recovering from an infection, such as caffeine or sugary drinks, citrus fruits and juices, artificial sweeteners, spicy foods and tomato-based products. Limiting or avoiding these foods will decrease your urge to urinate frequently and will also reduce burning while urinating.
If your symptoms don't improve after two days, call your physician. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and medications that will help alleviate burning and the urgency to urinate associated with UTIs.