What Does Leaking Urine Mean?
Stress incontinence means you leak urine while coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects. Overflow incontinence means you leak urine because your bladder's always full. Urge incontinence means you can't hold urine for very long. Mixed incontinence means your leaking urine has multiple causes.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for leaking urine include pregnancy, kidney disease, prostate gland problems, chronic coughing, nerve damage, obesity, and advanced age.
The Mayo Clinic (2009) notes that leaking urine is not a disease; it's a symptom. Thus, leaking urine commonly indicates a more serious underlying condition.
Controlling your body weight, regular exercise, eating foods rich in fiber, and avoiding alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes all help prevent leaking urine.
Treatment depends on the cause of your leaking urine. Doctors will prescribe lifestyle changes, medications, exercises, surgery, or a combination of treatments.