Natural Remedy for Male Urinary Incontinence
Take 10 ml of horsetail juice (available at your local health food store) twice a day as long as your symptoms continue. This herb is an astringent which contains silica, which helps to tone the tissues, including the bladder. Having a better-toned bladder will encourage the organ to completely empty itself during urination and hold more urine without leaking.
Cypress Essential Oil
Like horsetail, cypress essential oil acts as an astringent and tones your body's tissues, which helps to encourage your bladder to eliminate urine more completely and hold urine more efficiently. Put six drops into your daily bath, and soak for half an hour. Alternately, you may create a compress to place over your abdomen, using two drops of the oil in a bowl of warm water and soaking a compress in the liquid before applying it to your abdomen. Use this method daily for as long as you have the need.
Saw Palmetto
If your incontinence is due to an enlarged prostate gland, use a concoction of saw palmetto daily to inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone--a testosterone which causes cell reproduction in the prostate. Take 1 or 2 tsp. of saw palmetto tincture a day for three months. If your symptoms do not substantially improve, double the dose for another three months.