How to Get Rid of Bladder Pressure
Things You'll Need
- Diary
- Absorbent pads
Home Remedies
Decrease fluid consumption. If you are drinking too much, this can cause increased pressure on your bladder.
Keep a daily drink log in which you record the time you drank a certain beverage and when you began to feel bladder pressure. After a few weeks of daily record keeping, you can review your drink diary and see if a certain type of beverage caused more bladder pressure than others.
Use the restroom five to ten minutes after consuming a beverage. This may help relieve pressure on your bladder by urinating before the pressure fully sets in.
Use the bathroom at scheduled intervals throughout the day. This may involve going every half hour or hour, thus reducing pressure on your bladder.
Losing weight may help to relieve the amount of pressure exerted on your bladder. The extra weight could add extra pressure.
Medical Interventions
Create a bladder training program with your health care provider. He or she may be able to provide you with tips on retraining your bladder if you have experienced bladder pressure, as well as effective ways of urinating that can reduce the pressure you experience.
Discuss over-the-counter medications that may help in reducing the frequency or amount of pressure felt.
Self-catheterize. If your bladder pressure is not relieved by any other method, your health care provider may recommend using a catheter to drain your bladder. This is especially helpful for people who find that urinating does not relieve their bladder pressure.