Tests for Bladder Incontinence
Bladder Diary
Doctors often have patients keep a diary of their urination habits. This means that people with urinary incontinence keep a written record of how many times a day they go to the bathroom, how much they urinate, and how badly they need to urinate (see Reference 1).
Urinalysis and Urine Culture
During a urinalysis and urine culture, a doctor takes a urine sample from a patient and sends it to a laboratory. The sample is then examined for bacteria, viruses, protein and/or waste products, which could indicate that the person has a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or another health problem.
Bladder Stress Test
During a bladder stress test, a doctor examines whether a patient leaks urine while producing strong coughs.
Ultrasound and Cystoscopy
An ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to produce pictures of the urinary tract and other structures including the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. During a cystoscopy, a physician uses a device with a light and a camera to get pictures of urinary tract structures.
Post-void Residual and Cystogram
A post-void residual uses a catheter or sound waves to measure the amount of urine found in the bladder after a person has urinated. During a cystogram, a catheter is used to take x-rays of the bladder.
Urodynamic Tests
Urodynamic tests are used to measure bladder pressure during urination as well as urine flow, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (see Reference 2).
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