Food Cures for Urinary Tract Pain

Urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and met with urgency to find rapid relief. This type of infection is caused by bacteria in the skin, bladder or digestive tract and can cause pain, pressure, cloudy urine and the frequent urge to urinate without actual relief. Although there are prescribed and over-the-counter medications for most urinary tract infections, some may opt for holistic cures, including treatments centered on food.
  1. Avoiding Sugars

    • Holistic treatment is most often about what one should eat to cure an ailment. In some cases, however, it can be about foods that should be avoided. Sugar fits into this category. Bacteria often thrive on sugar in the blood, thus increasing the infection site. This will ultimately result in more urinary tract infections. Sweets, carbohydrates and products made with refined sugars should be avoided.


    • Most people are familiar with the benefits of cranberries when it comes to urinary tract infections. Many over-the-counter medications that offer temporary relief for urinary tract infections are cranberry-based tablets. Using cranberries in their natural form, however, can be just as affective. Eating cranberries will help reduce the bacteria in the lining of the urinary tract. Of course, cranberries can also be digested in liquid form to produce the same results.

    Vitamins and Roots

    • A diet rich in vitamin C can also keep urinary tract infections from happening. Vitamin C helps the body fight urinary tract infections because of the acidic base of the vitamin. This helps keep the bacteria from growing. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C. Many roots can also be used in their natural form to combat urinary tract pain. One such root is horseradish.

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