How to Get Rid of Pain While Urinating
Pain while urinating is a common symptom of a urinary tract infection, a vaginal infection, or a sexually transmitted disease. Most urinary tract infections are not life-threatening, but they are very painful. A vaginal infection can produce burning, itching, and vaginal discharge. Treatment consists of an antibiotic or ointment taken or applied twice daily for one week. Sexually transmitted diseases produce symptoms such as genital warts, burning during urination, coldlike symptoms, fever, and brown vaginal discharge.Things You'll Need
- Water
- Unsweetened cranberry juice
- Acetaminophen
- Measuring cup
- Baking soda
- Bathtub
Flushing Bacteria
Drink, drink, drink. Consume a minimum eight glasses of 8 fluid oz. of water per day. Water is essential to help flush the bacteria from the urinary tract, and to fight infection.
Consume five to seven 8 fluid oz. glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is excellent for cleansing the urinary tract. Cranberries contain chemical compounds of proanthocyanidins, which hinder bacteria transfer through the urethra tubes.
Take a pain reliever containing acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, every four to six hours as needed. Acetaminophen works with the central nervous system to reduce the consciousness of pain.
Bathtub Soak
Fill the bathtub halfway with warm water. The warmth will soothe the bladder's inflammation and provide pain relief.
Pour 2 oz. of baking soda into the bathtub. Baking soda elevates the body's pH levels, eliminating acidic urine and bacteria.
Run the bathtub tap once more with warm water for one minute. This will help the baking soda to be absorbed by the water.
Soak in the bathtub for 20 minutes. Spreading the legs will help the baking soda in the water purify the genitals. Soak in this mixture three to four times a day for two days.