How to Flush Out Small Kidney Stones
Things You'll Need
- Pain killer (prescribed or over-the-counter)
- Quart container
- Cloth or clear glass cup
Determine the source of the pain. Symptoms of a kidney stone include a sharp pain on the lower back or side, right above the hip area. Other symptoms include vomiting, painful urination, blood in the urine, or fever.
Go to the emergency room or physician if you have never experienced a kidney stone before. While kidney stones are common, be sure that what you have is a kidney stone and not another medical disorder.
Stay at home if you have experienced a kidney stone before, and you have only been in pain for less than one day. Take an over-the-counter pain killer to relieve pain and discomfort, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
Drink as much water as you can, since that will flush out the kidney stones. According to the Mayo Clinic, 85 percent of stones are small enough to be passed with urination, within three days of the onset of pain. Try to drink at least 2 to 3 quarts of water each day.
Move around. To encourage the passing of the kidney stone, do light activity such as walking. Staying in bed will cause the body to take longer to pass the stone.
Strain the urine throughout the entire flushing out period to catch the kidney stone for physician analysis. You may urinate into a clear glass to see if you have passed the stone, or use a thin cloth to place over the toilet to strain the urine. Once you have the stone, take it to your physician for analysis to see if you need a change in diet by reducing your calcium intake.
Prevent stones by drinking plenty of water each day to dilute the urine. According to the Mayo Clinic, a glass of fresh lemonade made from lemons and water is beneficial in the prevention of stones, since lemons increase the citrate levels in the urine. Reduce protein and sodium intake to reduce developing future stones.