How to Stop Recurring Urinary Tract Infections in Women
Things You'll Need
- Vitamins
- Cranberry juice
Take vitamin C daily. Daily supplements such as vitamin C help strengthen the immune system, wherein you are less likely to deal with a recurrent infection. Take a daily multivitamin or purchase vitamin C supplements.
Regularly consume cranberry juice. The ingredients in cranberry juice and cranberry supplements acidify your urine and stop the growth of bacteria. Include cranberry juice in your diet to ward off future infections.
Increase water. Drink water instead of caffeine and carbonated drinks to flush your urinary tract and eliminate bacteria that can cause an infection. Consume eight glasses a day.
Alter birth control. Using a diaphragm as a method of birth control increases your risk of a UTI. Bacteria can spread or attach to the diaphragm and enter the urinary tract. Discuss alternative birth control options with your doctor.
Limit use of feminine products. Douches, feminine washes, and sprays can irritate the urethra or complicate an existing infection. Use these products sparingly.
Recognize proper hygiene habits. After bowel movements, it is vital for women to wipe themselves from front to back. This method prevents the spread of fecal matter into the vaginal area or urethra, and lowers the chances of a recurrent infection.
Urinate after sexual relations. To flush bacteria from the vaginal area and prevent a UTI, urinate immediately after sexual intercourse.
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