How to Eradicate Incontinence
See your doctor. Get a definitive diagnosis for the cause of your incontinence before you can take measures to reduce the incidence of it. Your treatment may be based on the cause. Many times a cause cannot be determined, but measures still can be taken.
Ask your doctor about medication. If the source of your urinary incontinence is related to a bladder or kidney infection, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. After the infection is resolved, your incontinence may subside. Prescription medication that diminishes incontinent episodes is also available. Your doctor may prescribe this medication if it is determined that you do not have a urinary tract infection.
Stay away from caffeine. Caffeine found in coffee, soft drinks and chocolate is a diuretic. It promotes frequent urination and this can increase the incidence of urinary incontinence. By limiting caffeine, you may decrease the need to frequently urinate. Caffeine also may cause nervousness, which can also promote the need to frequently urinate and cause you to become incontinent.
Limit your fluids. Incontinence can be a problem at night. Many people awaken several times per night to use the bathroom, and sometimes they do not make it fast enough. By limiting fluids and not drinking anything after dinner, you may eradicate incontinence episodes that occur at night. If you need to take medication with water before you go to bed, do so, but only take as much as you need to swallow your pills.
Lose weight. Obesity may contribute to urinary incontinence by putting pressure on the bladder. Pressure on the bladder causes it to compress and leak urine. By losing weight, you may prevent bladder compression and eradicate your incontinence and episodes of leaking urine. Ask your doctor to recommend a healthy weight loss program or strategy for you.
Exercise your pelvic muscles. Pelvic floor muscles may lose their tone due to childbirth, illness, or medication. By strengthening these muscles, you can improve control of your bladder and decrease leakage of urine. Pretend like you are trying to stop the flow of urine, and this will be the procedure to follow for performing these exercises. Your can do them anytime while you are sitting or standing.