How to Cure Bladder Spasms
See your health care provider. Bladder spasms can often be a symptom of an underlying health problem. Your doctor will ask you about your current symptoms and past medical history. You will undergo a thorough physical examination, have a urine analysis and possibly a blood test. This is all done to ensure that you are having true bladder spasms and not a similar condition, such as cystitis.
Change your diet. Many people who suffer from bladder spasms find that certain foods aggravate their condition. Write down everything you eat all day, along with the bladder spasm symptoms that you experience. You can use this food diary to track what you eat and how it relates to when your bladder spasm symptoms occur. Once you know which foods trigger it, try to avoid them.
Consider prescription drug therapy to relax the muscles in your pelvis and bladder. Anticholinergics, like oxybutynin chloride and tolterodine, are often prescribed to prevent bladder spasms. Some people find that certain antidepressants reduce their bladder spasm symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your options. He will be able to explain any side effects and help you choose which one would be best for you.
Strengthen your bladder muscles using Kegel exercises. Stronger pelvic muscles are less likely to succumb to bladder spasms. For 10 to 20 minutes every day, contract and relax the muscles that you use to stop urine flow or prevent yourself from passing gas.
Consider alternative therapy. Even though they are not widely accepted by the medical community, certain alternative medical practices have provided relief from bladder spasms. Acupuncture is one of them. Another is biofeedback, or learning to control bodily functions that are normally automatic. Some people have even found that injecting Botox into their bladders helps stabilize the bladder muscles and prevent bladder spasms.