Difference Between Overactive Bladder & Interstitial Cystitis

People with overactive bladders and interstitial cystitis are plagued with frequent urination. However, although both conditions will cause someone to take extra trips to the bathroom, the two conditions are very different.
  1. Overactive Bladder

    • Having an overactive bladder is a medical condition, which can cause frequent urination and the sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate.

    Interstitial Cystitis

    • Interstitial cystitis is a medical condition which causes frequent and painful urination due to small wounds in the bladder.


    • An overactive bladder can be caused by many factors, including caffeine intake, pelvic floor problems, high fluid consumption and bladder abnormalities. Interstitial cystitis on the other hand has no one known cause. All IC patients have irritated bladders, but the triggering cause is still unknown.

    Chronic vs. Curable

    • Interstitial cystitis is treatable but it is chronic with no cure. Most IC patients will have to be on bladder-repairing medications, such as Elmiron, and a special acid-free diet for a bulk of their life. An overactive bladder on the other hand, can be cured depending on the underlying cause. Medications such as Detrol and pelvic floor exercises can help many patients on the road to recovery when dealing with an overactive bladder.

    Consult Your Doctor

    • Because interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder conditions have similar symptoms, it is important for people to consult their doctor if they are experiencing any kind of bladder issues.

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