How to Live With a Urinary Diversion
Consult with a WOC (wound, ostomy and continence) nurse after your surgery. She will show you how to change your pouch with a urostomy or how to drain your urine from the catheter for a continent diversion, and any other pertinent information. Do not be embarrassed to ask questions and to ask for further explanation if you do not understand something. She is very knowledgeable about these matters and will tell you everything you need to know.
Empty the catheter of your continent diversion either by standing in front of the toilet or sitting on it and emptying it between the legs. You will need to empty it every couple of hours for the first few weeks. After that, you can clear it out every four to six hours. Wash your hands every time before and after emptying.
Clean your skin every time you change your pouch. You can use a washcloth or towelette. Wait until your skin is completely dry before using a new pouch. Use protective skin wipes or ostomy powder if the skin becomes irritated. You will be given instructions on how often to change it.
Be on the lookout for infections. Signs include dark or strong-smelling urine, excess mucus in the urine, back pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Call your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. Drinking eight glasses of water daily will flush out bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.
Restrict activities for two to three weeks after surgery. After that, you probably can go back to most of your normal activities. Contact sports might not be a good idea though. If your job involves strenuous physical labor, you might need to talk to your employer about lightening some of your duties. Ask your doctor if you are not sure whether something is okay.
Eat your normal diet. You do not have to cut anything out, but certain foods such as asparagus and seafood can create stronger odors and this might be bothersome if you have an external urinary diversion.
Wear your normal clothes. Newer pouches lay right against the body and are not noticeable. You can tuck the pouch inside underwear or between your underwear and clothing. You can wear it under a girdle if it is made of stretchy material. If you are a man, you can place it inside an athletic supporter.
Consult with your doctor before resuming sexual activity. You can still have a normal sex life with a urinary diversion. He can give you information how to protect that area of your body and answer any other questions you might have about sexual relations with a urinary diversion.