Signs & Symptoms of a Mild Bladder Infection
Burning During Urination
Burning during urination is one of the most common symptoms. If you feel a stinging sensation as you are urinating, you likely have a bladder infection.
Strong Urge and Difficulty Urinating
If you have an infection, you may feel a very strong urge to urinate frequently, but when you try to urinate, very little comes out.
Cloudy Urine or Blood in the Urine
If you have a bladder infection, your urine may appear cloudy or milky, and may also contain small amounts of blood.
General Malaise
As with most bacterial infections, a bladder infection can make you feel generally tired and sickly all over. You just don't feel like yourself.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect you may have a bladder infection, you must see a physician for an urinalysis. If she finds infectious bacteria in your urine, she will prescribe an antibiotic.
Kidney Infection
Sometimes if left alone too long, a bladder infection might spread to the kidneys. Symptoms of this include fever, nausea or vomiting and back pain. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.