Home Remedies for Bladder Infections in Children
Pain Relievers
Common over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be used to help alleviate pain and inflammation and lower a fever if your child has a bladder infection. Be sure to follow the proper dosage instructions for your child's age and weight. For babies and toddlers, check with your pediatrician for the proper dose. Also, remember to never give aspirin or aspirin-containing products to children with a fever because of the possibility of developing a life-threatening condition called Reye's syndrome.
Drink Fluids
Although it can be painful or uncomfortable for your child to urinate when he has a bladder infection, drinking plenty of fluids can help flush the infection-causing bacteria from the body. Try giving your child water or non-citrus fruit juices throughout the day to stay hydrated and help flush the bacteria from the body. Avoid giving him carbonated or caffeinated beverages or citrus juices, which can irritate the bladder and urinary tract.
Cranberry juice is often touted as a good home remedy for bladder infections, and some people swear it works. Medical experts are mixed on its effect, however. Many believe cranberry juice works because the increase in fluid intake helps treat the infection. If your child likes cranberry juice, though, let her drink it. It might not cure the infection, but it won't hurt.
Applying heat to the area where your child is feeling the pressure or discomfort from the inflammation caused by the infection can provide some relief. You can try putting a heating pad on the affected area. This can be especially helpful at night when your child is sleeping. You may also want to draw a hot bath and let him sit in it for awhile. Make sure young children are always supervised when in the bathtub.