Early Signs of a Bladder Infection
What is a Bladder Infection?
According to WebMD, a urinary tract infection occurs when germs enter the urethra and travel up to the kidneys and bladder. The infection is typically caused by Escherichia coli bacteria.
Early Signs of a Bladder Infection
Pain, burning and the urge to urinate frequently are all early signs of a bladder infection. Occasionally, the urine may be off-colored or cloudy. Sometimes no symptoms appear at all.
Complications of a Bladder Infection
Ignoring the early signs of a bladder infection can lead to complications. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, damage to the kidneys can occur if the bacteria have enough time to fester. Women who are pregnant with an infection are at risk of delivering babies who are premature or underweight.
Serious Symptoms
Emergency care should be sought if more serious symptoms occur. These symptoms include fever and chills, nausea, vomiting or flank pain. Pregnant women should seek doctor care immediately to prevent further complications.
Treatment of a Bladder Infection
According to WebMD, the initial treatment for a bladder infection usually consists of three days of antibiotic treatment. Drinking large amounts of water and urinating regularly can help speed up recovery time. In more severe situations, hospitalization may be required.