How to Treat a UTI in a Pediatric Patient
Things You'll Need
- Antibiotics
- Pain reliever
- Water
Visit your child's pediatrician. If he prescribes antibiotics, administer the medication to your child as instructed to treat and prevent recurrent infections.
Ask your doctor about pain relievers and fever reducers for your child. If your pediatrician approves, give your child an appropriate medication to reduce pelvic or back pain and to relieve a fever. Effective remedies include ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
Offer plenty of water to your child. Water flushes bacteria from the urinary tract and prevents dehydration when battling a fever. Encourage your child to increase water intake.
Restrict your child's intake of carbonated drinks and caffeine. While drinking fluids can help a child overcome a urinary tract infection, caffeinated drinks, such as teas and sodas, can aggravate or worsen symptoms.
Limit giving your child bubble baths while she has an infection. Certain bath products can irritate the bladder and worsen an existing infection. Refrain from bubble baths until the infection heals, and choose mild bath products to prevent future infections.
Encourage cotton underwear. Materials that promote moisture, such as nylon, increase the likelihood of a urinary tract infection--especially in young girls. You want to prevent excess moisture as well as growth of bacteria.