How to Control Bladder Spasms From UTI

According to the "National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse," one in five women will contract a urinary tract infection in their lifetime. Urinary tracts infections develop when bacteria from body is pushed through the urethra and does not filter properly. Men can contract UTIs, but this is not common due to the shortness of a man's urethra. Bladder spasms, or compulsive urges to urinate, are a common symptom of a UTI.

Things You'll Need

  • Cranberry Juice
  • Glass
  • Hot Compress
  • Measuring Cup
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  1. Controlling Urges

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      Discontinue consumption of all caffeine products. Consuming caffeinated beverages will make induce bladder spasm and result in additional burning when attempting to urinate.

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      Drink Cranberry juice, on average five glasses daily. Cranberry juice cleans out the urinary tract and flushes bacteria from the urethra.

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      Keep the bladder full. Drink an average 10 fluid ounces of water every two hours. Hydration is key when fighting infections.

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      Visit your doctor immediately. Left untreated, a urinary tract infection may develop into an advanced kidney infection that may be fatal. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat a urinary tract infection; within three days symptoms of infection will dramatically decrease.

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      Sleep may be the best thing for anyone with a urinary tract infection. Sleeping will allow you to have some kind of relief until the antibiotics kick into gear and clear the infection.

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      Apply a hot pad or heated towel to the abdominal area. This will soothe the bladder area and help control the bladder spasms.

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