What Can Help With Bladder Irritation?
Drink Fluids
Keep drinking plenty of fluids. This will help keep urine moving through the bladder to flush out the irritation. Even if you only have a little bit of urine pass when you feel the urge to urinate, the fluids are still working through our bladder, diluting the bacteria causing your infection. According to BodyandFitness.com, 100 percent cranberry juice is a recommended liquid, as it prevents the bacteria from attaching itself to the bladder wall. You should avoid coffee or beverages containing caffeine until the infection has passed.
Urinate Frequently
Urinating frequently is important to flush out the bacteria, even when you do not have an infection. Holding your urine can give you an infection. Not urinating following intercourse can allow bacteria that reached the urethra to give you an infection. Urinate as frequently as your body prompts you.
Over-the-counter Pills
Cranberry pills are also available for purchase at your local drug store. These pills will work the same way as cranberry juice.
A doctor can give diagnose your condition with a urine test. If your home remedies have not helped and you still have symptoms for more than three days, it is time to visit your doctor. He or she will prescribe more aggressive medications, such as Amoxicillin. These medications will usually need to be taken for up to ten days. Even if your symptoms are gone after a day or so, it is important that you finish all of the medication to completely kill the bacteria. If you frequently get these infections, your doctor may be able to give you a medication to prevent them.