Define Urinary System
The urinary system is responsible for excreting the toxic components of the foods and drinks you consume. Failure to excrete the waste materials produced by the urinary system may lead to infectious diseases and inflammation of your body organs.
Additional Function
Aside from eliminating body wastes in the form of urine, the urinary system is also responsible for maintaining the homeostasis---fluid and acid-base balance---of your body.
The kidneys are the major organs of the urinary system. There are two kidneys in your body, located at the back of your abdominal cavity. The kidneys filter your blood and are the place where urine begins to be formed.
Waste Products
The urine is the main waste product generated by your urinary system. The urine consists of the fluid and food components that are not absorbed by your body, such as proteins, uric acid and excess water.
Common diseases of the urinary system include urinary tract infection, nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), nephrosis (abnormality in urine components) and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).