Male Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Risk Factors
The risk of developing incontinence and overactive bladder syndrome increases with age, according to the Mayo Clinic. Neurological disorders, nerve damage and some prescription drugs can contribute to overactive bladder syndrome.
Men with suspected overactive bladder syndrome may be asked to keep a urination diary, according to the American Urological Association Foundation. A urinalysis, ultrasound and other diagnostic tests may be performed.
Medications can be prescribed to calm bladder contractions. Behavioral modifications, such as timed urination and changes in fluid intake, may also help. Severe male overactive bladder syndrome may be treated with surgery.
Overactive bladder syndrome may interfere with normal daily activities. It can also lead to emotional distress and depression, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Other disorders can cause an overactive bladder. More serious conditions, such as diabetes and prostate problems, should be ruled out by a doctor.