Natural Way to Treat UTI
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is full of antioxidants and many other nutrients that help remove bacteria from the urinary tract. In 2004, a placebo-controlled trial that lasted 12 months and studied 150 women showed that cranberry juice is effective at significantly lowering the number of patients having a UTI each year. Though cranberry juice may not completely eliminate UTI, it can provide some relief from and prevention of intense UTI-related burning sensations. Drink an 8 oz. glass at each meal for best results.
Acidic Liquids
Acidic liquids such as lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can be very helpful in clearing the urinary tract of bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is especially effective because it helps create an environment that UTI-causing bacteria can't survive in. Drink a half cup of either of these liquids in the morning to ease urinary pain throughout the day. Or, if you don't enjoy drinking straight vinegar (most people don't), add 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of cranberry juice for double the UTI-fighting power.
Echinacea, Oregon grape root and goldenseal root are herbs that seem to be very effective at fighting UTI. Goldenseal has been well-documented as an antimicrobial herb. Each of these can be purchased in supplement form at health food stores and pharmacies. Follow the directions on supplement packaging for proper use.
An herb called uva ursi has been proven in clinical trials to work as a powerful antiseptic. Mix this herb as a tea, with 2 tbsp. of uva ursi to a cup of water and drink daily.