Homemade Remedies for a UTI
Garlic is a potent antiseptic and can help bolster the immune system to fight off urinary-tract infections. To use garlic as a home remedy for a bladder infection, add some fresh garlic cloves to your home-cooked food. Garlic can also be consumed in a puree with other vegetables such as cucumber or celery.
Birch Leaves
Birch leaves are a natural diuretic, making them very helpful for flushing out bacteria in the urinary tract. Steep some fresh birch leaves, available in health-food stores, in some hot water for about five minutes to make a hot tea. Drink this once daily when experiencing a urinary-tract infection. Do not drink this more than once a day, however. Birch leaves are a strong diuretic and too much will leave you dehydrated. Always drink plenty of water when using this home remedy.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is an old standby when it comes to treating bladder infections at home. This is because the juice is very acidic and actually raises the level of acidity of urine, killing bacteria. At the onset of a urinary-tract infection, drink two to four glasses of cranberry juice and continue to do this every day until the infection is gone. Cranberry juice is a mild antibiotic, so it may not be enough to get rid of the infection on its own. If the infection gets worse or does not seem to get any better, see a doctor as soon as possible.
If you are concerned about the high sugar content in most cranberry juices, try drinking cranberry juice cocktail instead.
Uva Ursi
A member of the blueberry family, uva ursi is another home remedy for treating a urinary-tract infection. It is a diuretic, so it will help your body flush out bacteria, and it also has some mild antiseptic properties. Uva ursi is available fresh or in capsule form in many health-food stores. If you purchase fresh uva ursi, you can steep the berries and leaves in hot water to make a tea.