Organic Remedies for Overactive Bladder Condition
Magnesium has been used for people suffering from Parkinson disease. Experts agree that magnesium played a major part in managing bladder spasticity, which is common in Parkinson disease. It stops your bladder from having spasms that prevent it from emptying completely. When the bladder fails to fully release urine, you will experience dripping or leakage; magnesium helps prevents this from occurring. When taken before bed, magnesium will control your need to urinate throughout the night. It is suggested that you take magnesium in a tablet or pill form.
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is an organic remedy that is normally recommended for men. Saw Palmetto is a remedy that is used to treat urinary complications commonly associated with an enlarged prostate. Physicians are unclear how it helps with incontinence; they do know that it calms the activity of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme can cause problems within the prostate. Saw Palmetto has anti-inflammatory properties that help with prostate-related issues. Saw Palmetto can be found in both powder and tablet form.
Corn silk
Corn silk is another naturally organic way to control OAB. Corn silk is believed to have a diuretic effect on the bladder. Frequent urinating is associated with an inflamed bladder. Corn silk is an anti-inflammatory that controls how often you have to rush to the restroom. It is also known to have a relaxing and detoxifying affect on the bladder. Corn silk may be taken in a powder form that is to be boiled in water.