Minimally Invasive Prostate Procedures
Historically, one out of every two American men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer has undergone a radical prostatectomy that allows the surgeon to remove the prostate gland through a big incision below the navel. Today, minimally invasive techniques allow the surgeon to remove the prostate with smaller incisions.-
To remove your prostate in a laparoscopic procedure, your surgeon will make several small incisions to insert instruments through a small tube. Some surgeons use a robotic approach to guide their laparoscopic instruments with the da Vinci Surgical System.
If you have a laparoscopic prostate procedure, you have a better chance of avoiding blood transfusions or breathing problems in the postoperative period.
Laparoscopic procedures are quicker and require less anesthesia than in traditional surgery, making them a better choice for men with cardiovascular or respiratory problems.
Since minimally invasive procedures don't allow the surgeon to explore the abdomen, they aren't recommended for men whose cancer has spread beyond the prostate.
While minimally invasive procedures shorten hospital stays, they don't reduce overall complications. If you have excessive bleeding, breathing problems, urinary issues, or sexual dysfunction after a procedure, notify your doctor.