What Is Vesicare Used for?
Medication for Overactive Bladder
Overactive Bladder
With the medical condition of overactive bladder, the constant, sudden urges to run to the bathroom are usually caused by the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the bladder. Other conditions can cause symptoms similar to overactive bladder, such as poor kidney function, diabetes or urinary tract infections, so it's important for your doctor to rule out these other possible causes for your symptoms before beginning any treatment plan.
How VESIcare Works
With normal bladder operation, a muscle called the detrusor contracts when the bladder is full. In someone with OAB, the detrusor muscle contracts prematurely, before the bladder is completely full. By taking this medication as prescribed by your doctor, which usually entails a pill once a day, VESIcare effectively reduces the sudden and frequent urges triggered by your bladder by controlling the detrusor muscle.
VESIcare, like any other prescription or over-the-counter medication, could have unintentional interactions with other medications or conditions. Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications, such as Trisenox, Inapsine or Elavil, or if you have glaucoma, liver or kidney disease or a blockage in your digestive tract, as this information may require an adjustment in your dosage of VESIcare.
Side Effects
Some degree of side effects are an almost certainty with any medication, and VESIcare is no different. Most side effects are minor, such as dry mouth or eyes, blurred vision and dizziness. There are some more serious, however, and these include severe stomach pain, pain or burning during urination and extreme thirst. If you experience any of these symptoms, or any signs of allergic reaction such as hives, facial swelling or difficulty breathing, stop using VESIcare immediately and call your doctor.
The initial recommended dose of VESIcare is one 5 mg pill once a day, with water and with or without food. Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may increase the dosage to 10 mg a day for better effect. If you've taken too much VESIcare, visit the emergency room, or contact your local Poison Control Center immediately. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but do not take two doses in one 24-hour period. Symptom relief may be seen in as little as two weeks, but each person is different, so keep taking VESIcare regularly to achieve full effect.