Herbal Prevention for Urinary Tract Infections
Cranberry and Water
Drinking plenty of water will result in frequent urination, which cleanses the area and pushes the bacteria out of the body. Cranberry and blueberry juices are also used because of their acidic pH; this creates an environment in the urinary system that cannot sustain the bacteria.
Herbal Teas
Goldenseal root has microbial properties that help to prevent urinary tract infections. Brew 1 tsp. goldenseal in 1 cup water. This herbal medication is also available in a capsule.
Uva ursi, an antiseptic herb, can be used to treat an existing urinary tract infection and prevent a new one. Brew 2 tsp. uva ursi in 1 cup water. The herb is available in tincture form as well. Add 1 or 2 tsp. uva ursi tincture to 1 cup water.
Buchu and corn silk are diuretics, which will encourage frequent urination to clean the urinary system of bacteria. Buchu also has antiseptic properties.
Marshmallow root is very soothing during a urinary tract infection. For prevention, soak the herb in cold water. Then strain the herb from the water and drink it cold throughout the day.
Herbal Soaks
Use any of the herbs above in a sitz bath to provide relief from an existing urinary tract infection. Although doctors generally recommend taking showers instead of baths to prevent infection, these herbs provide antiseptic properties that may eliminate the bacteria responsible for the infection. A sitz bath with the herbal preparations may be able to prevent a urinary tract infection.
Castor oil can be applied directly to the abdomen if cramping occurs from a urinary tract infection.
Hygiene is the most important method of prevention for urinary tract infections. Keep the area around your urethra clean and make sure that the bladder is completely emptied when urinating. Drink plenty of water.
Women are more likely to develop an infection of the urinary system than men. After urinating, women should wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from entering the urinary tract.