Bladder Disorders
According to, more than 35 million Americans--mostly women--suffer from bladder disorders.
Examples of bladder disorders include interstitial cystitis (or painful bladder syndrome), overactive bladder, bladder prolapse, stress incontinence, neurogenic bladder and bladder cancer.
Common signs of a bladder disorder include a frequent need to urinate, involuntary loss of urine (incontinence) and pain. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC), red flags for interstitial cystitis vary but can include pain in the bladder and surrounding pelvic region. Urgent, immediate need to urinate eight or more times in a day or more than twice at night as well as leakage are signs of overactive bladder. Bladder prolapse signs include a feeling of pressure in the vaginal area for women, painful intercourse and pressure in the abdominal/pelvic area.
Risk Factors
According to the American Urological Association Foundation (AUAF), family history plays a role in interstitial cystitis. Risk factors for bladder prolapse include vaginal childbirth, constipation, obesity and previous pelvic surgery, according to the AUAF. Men, smokers and those with a family history are at a higher risk to develop bladder cancer, according to
Your doctor will want to know which prescriptions you take and how much fluid---and what kind of fluid---you ingest daily. He may also order urodynamic tests and bloodwork as well as perform pelvic or prostate exams.
For most bladder disorders, doctors will advise a change in behavior patterns and suggest bladder muscle-strengthening exercises such as kegel exercises. Medication and surgery may also be necessary.