What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Urine?
The best way to clean urine is to simply not take drugs. Marijuana is traceable in a system for as long as five months, regardless of habit. Typically, detoxifying your system by regularly drinking large amounts of water before your test is a good idea. However, drinking too much on the day of the test will bring back an inconclusive result, as it will show that you have been trying to dilute your urine.
A common way to clean urine is to buy a commercial drink that advertises a clean drug test. Typically, these do the same thing as water -- dilute your system via a large intake of liquid. Drink the product right before taking the test, and supposedly it will help hide any traces of dilution. These often work, but a major problem with them is that they are a generic one-size-fits-all kind of product, and many people have different body compositions.
These commercial drinks are fairly simple to use, and greatly increase the odds of completely cleaning your urine or at least masking it as clean.
Miracle Cures
There are many miracle cures all over the Internet about how to clean urine quickly at home with cranberry juice or vinegar. However, neither of these do anything to help clean urine at all. Cranberry juice simply makes you urinate more, while vinegar changes the Ph of your urine. Drugs like niacin can cause a lot of damage if you overdose on them. Not only do they not work, but they can greatly damage your liver if taken in large doses, which the urine cleaning myth online typically calls for. In general, a product advertised as "no water dilution necessary" will not work, as dilution is the major component to cleaning your urine. No product completely dilutes urine on its own, and no product has a 100% success rate, so be careful with your decisions on which product to buy, if any.