Excretory System Disorders
Nephritis (also referred to Bright's disease) is an inflammatory condition that affects a component of the kidneys called nephrons. Nephrons are small tubes in the kidney that filter the nitrogenous waste products. Nephritis has a number of possible causes. Exposure to chemicals, such as turpentine, can cause it. It is also caused by toxins formed by conditions such as scarlet fever and measles. Symptoms include edema (swelling from accumulated fluids), urine suppression, and a pale complexion.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the renal pelvis (the central portion of the kidney) and renal connective tissues. The most frequent cause of pyelonephritis is bacterial infections, but other causes include viral infections, pregnancy, and tumors. Symptoms of the condition include a persistent need to urinate, fever, pain and chills. It is often set in motion by infections that spread through the blood or from other portions of the urinary tract.
Cystitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the bladder. It is caused by a bacterial infection which typically enters the body through the urethra. Symptoms include the need for frequent urination, pelvic pain, suprapublic pain (pain that occurs above the pelvic area) and blood in the urine (hematuria). Cystitis occurs much more frequently among women than men.
Urethritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the urethra and is also cause by a bacterial infection. The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is often to blame. Urethritis is much more common among men than women. Symptoms include a burning sensation while urinating or during an erection, pain and a discharge from the urethra.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are a condition in which crystals of acid salts form around particles of foreign material (such as bacteria). These stone can block the ureters and may require medical intervention to remove them in some cases. The most common symptom of kidney stones is pain in the side or back and during urination. Other symptoms that can develop include urine that is cloudy or smells rank, nausea, and a frequent need to urinate.