Explaination of Surgery for Prolapsed Bladder
A prolapsed bladder is also known by the name of cystocele. It causes the bladder to drop down into the vagina, causing a protrusion in the vaginal wall, or in extreme cases, a bulge that pushes outside of the vagina. After prolonged straining or damage done during menopause by a lack of estrogen, the vagina wall can weaken, causing the cystocele.
Why Surgery Is Performed
Surgery for a prolapsed bladder is only required when the bladder has dropped far down into the vagina. If the bulge is very uncomfortable, bleeds or causes urinary problems like incontinence, infections or blocked urine flow, surgery may be the only option to repair the vaginal wall and put the bladder back in its proper place.
The Procedure
Typically, surgery for a prolapsed bladder involves shoring up the vaginal wall in some way. The bladder is pushed back into the proper position, then the vagina wall is supported by tightening the muscles in the pelvic floor. Some tissue may need to be removed to restore proper tone to the vagina. In some cases, a prolapsed bladder can reoccur, requiring surgery once more, though repeated surgery is usually not as successful.
Following your prolapsed bladder surgery, you may be woozy from the general anesthesia. Expect to stay in the hospital for a few days. You may also be fitted with a catheter when you go home. Recovery generally lasts for six weeks or so. You shouldn't lift anything heavy or participate in strenuous activities for at least three months following surgery. Straining or heavy lifting at any point following surgery does pose a slight risk for a recurrence of prolapse.
Risks or Side Effects
As with any surgery, repairing a prolapsed bladder does carry a few risks and side effects. For instance, surgery may cause injury to the bladder, infection, pain during sexual intercourse, incontinence, urinary retention or a fistula, which is an opening between the urethra and vagina or vagina and rectum.