Herbal Medicines & Treatment for UTIs
An infection occurs when bacteria is introduced into the urinary tract; about 80 percent of urinary tract infections are caused by the E. coli bacteria . A urinalysis and culture conducted by a doctor can determine if bacteria is present in urine, which is usually sterile.
Symptoms of a UTI include blood in the urine, unusual smelling urine, discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen, back pain, the frequent urge to urinate and the passing of small amounts of urine.
Herbs Commonly Used To Treat UTIs
The herbs goldenseal and uva ursi are commonly used for treating UTIs. Known for their antiseptic qualities, both herbs are thought to prevent or decrease the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.They are available in the form of tea, liquid tincture or capsule supplement.
Additional Herbal Treatments
Other herbal UTI treatments include bearberry, birch, buchu, couchgrass (also known as quackgrass), dandelion, echinacea, lovage, marsh mallow (the plant, not the white sugary confection used in s'mores), cornsilk and stinging nettle.
Herbal treatments can address a wide range of UTI conditions and symptoms, including inflammation and bacterial buildup.
Because some herbal treatments can have side effects and drug interactions, inform your doctor of any herbs you are planning to take as well as any medications you are on and medical conditions you may have.