Bladder Kidney Infection Symptoms
Kidney infections and bladder infections are caused by bacteria. The most common source of these bacteria comes from the rectal/vaginal area. E coli, which comes from stool, is the most common type of bacteria.
Kidney symptoms are fever, pain with urination, tiredness, pain to the lower back area, nausea, vomiting and chills. Bladder symptoms are an urgency to urinate along with pain and burning.
The treatments for kidney and bladder infections are basically the same; increase fluid intake of water and cranberry juice, antibiotics, pain medicines and nausea medicines.
Risk Factors
Some common risk factors for both of these infections are sex, pregnancy, urinary catheters and kidney stones.
The best way to prevent these types of infections is to practice good hygiene. Wiping from the front to back in women can decrease these infections. Urinating after intercourse and cranberry juice also can help.