Alcohol & Adult Bed Wetting
Consuming too many liquids, including alcohol and caffeine, can increase an adult's chances of wetting the bed. The Mayo Clinic reports this is fairly common with individuals who indulge in too many alcoholic beverages.
Sound Sleep
When you drink too much alcohol before retiring for the evening, you can sleep so deeply and soundly that you simply do not realize you need to go to the bathroom. When in this state, you are unable to wake up easily, which can result in bed wetting.
The Bladder
When one consumes a large amount of alcohol, the body produces more urine to void the alcohol content in the blood. This will result in the bladder filling up more often, requiring more trips to the washroom if the individual is able to wake up.
Dulled Senses
Alcohol dulls an individual's sensory system. Per, with the alcohol numbing the senses, the brain will respond slower when one is under the influence and the bodily signal from the bladder will be ignored.
Avoid drinking alcohol three hours before bedtime. also recommends various treatments available to control bedwetting including alarms, medication, and bladder and drinking training programs.